Yoga Poses for The Beginners and its Benefits

Posted by: | Posted on: 01 June, 2019 | Category: Yoga | School Name: Rishikesh Yoga

Yoga Poses for The Beginners and its Benefits

What is Yoga?


Yoga refers to mental and physical disciplines originating in India. The word yoga is associated with meditative practices in both Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, it also refers to one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, and to the goal towards which that school directs its practices.


                                 Some major branches of Yoga include the Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Hatha Yoga.




What Are the Benefits of Yoga?

The benefits of various yoga techniques have been professed to improve body flexibility, performance, stress reduction, attainment of inner peace, and self-realization. The system has been advocated as a complementary treatment to aid the healing of several ailments such as coronary heart disease, depression, anxiety disorders, asthma, and extensive rehabilitation for disorders including musculoskeletal problems and traumatic brain inquiry. The system has also been suggested as behavioral therapy for smoking cessation and substance abuse (including alcohol abuse).


If you practice yoga daily, you got these benefits:

·     Physical

·     Improved body flexibility and balance

·     Improved cardiovascular endurance (stronger heart)

·     Improved digestion

·     Improved abdominal strength

·     Enhanced overall muscular strength

·     Relaxation of muscular strains

·     Weight control

·     Increased energy levels

·     Enhanced immune system

·     Mental

·     Relief of stress resulting from the control of emotions

·     Prevention and relief from stress-related disorders

·     Intellectual enhancement, leading to improved decision-making skills

·     Spiritual

·     Life with meaning, purpose, and direction

·     Inner peace and tranquility

·     Contentment


Beginners' Yoga Poses



Easy Pose – Sukhasana


The Easy Pose may seem like an easy pose but it has certain benefits for the whole body. For example, it is a hip opener, it is calming, and it eases the menstrual pain for women in addition to lowering the level of anxiety. (While doing the posture make sure your spine is straightened)


Warrior I – Virabhadrasana I


The Warrior I is a great pose for those who have had a hectic day at work and just need to relax your body and mind. While in this pose you are strengthening your legs, you are opening your chest and shoulders, movements which we usually don’t do throughout our day, but they are necessary for a good posture and peaceful mind. The effects out of this posture are tremendous: it strengthens the muscles of your knees and feet, it stretches your shoulders and spine, and it improves your focus.


Warrior 2 – Virabhadrasana II


The Warrior II yoga pose also strengthens your legs and arms, opens your chest and shoulders, and it contracts your abdominal organs. Your breath needs to be regulated, your focus should be on the expansion of your arms which will help you to improve your patience. Keep your self-elevated rather than collapsing with your hips – don’t allow gravitation to pull you down. Stay strong.


Triangle – Trikonasana


The Triangle is one of those postures that brings to your body many benefits. For example, it improves the flexibility of your spine; it helps with the alignment of your shoulders; it relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area, but don’t forget you need to practice each posture on the left and right site – balancing your postures is very important. With the practice of this posture you will notice many improvements, but especially for your posture.


Four-Limbed Staff – Chaturanga


The Four-Limbed Staff yoga pose strengthens your wrists, arms, and abdomen. It is also a good pose for more challenging arm balancing poses


Chair – Utkatasana


The Chair yoga position tones your leg muscles strengthen your hip reflexors, ankles, calves and back. It stretches the chest and shoulders. It reduces symptoms of flat feet and it stimulates your heart, diaphragm, and abdominal organs.


Tree – Vrksasana


The Tree yoga pose may seem to be an easy posture but it is not a resting asana. Your back should be aligned the property, your hips should be at one level, and since your stability depends on the distribution of your weight on your standing leg ensure you do while maintaining and improving your balance.


Boat – Navasana


The Boat yoga requires for one to be stable as a boat which means chin looking forward, straight back, while knees and arms are locked. This is not an easy posture.



Crow – Bakasana

The Crow yoga pose strengthens the forearms, abdomen, and wrists while also stretching the hamstring. Balance is most crucial for this pose.



Corpse – Savasana

 The corpse yoga pose is the most important posture. It is meant to refresh your body and mind after practice while also allowing you to shift your attention to your inner-self. The benefits: lowering your blood pressure, calming you and giving your body the opportunity to absorb all of the benefits you worked out for.


King Dancer – Natarajasana


The King Dancer yoga pose strengthens your legs, improves balance and core strength while also stretches your shoulders and improves your focus. It is one of the most graceful asanas.

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