Praveen Rajput ji Teaching since last 7 years about MEDITATIONS, RELAXATIONS, Yogic practices, Principles and its Philosophy, creating a new experience’s to be in blissful state.Have been teaching in various places in the country, in different Corporate (IBM INDIA, GENPECT, DLF builders), Ashramas, Community centres, Personal Training, Taking workshops and camps. Even having knowledge of different types of yoga on Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Mantra, Laya or Kundalini, Raja etc, as included part of the course as per requirements.Working in Gurugram, Haryana as a Corporate Trainer with Healers at Home since last four years.Experience of teaching ancient yogic scriptures like Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga, Ghata yoga, Vedanta, Buddhism and lot more also having knowledge of other Indian ancient schools..
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